The web edition of the California Law Review.

CLR Online

Online Note, July 2016, Bartek Sudol California Law Review Online Note, July 2016, Bartek Sudol California Law Review

Innovation by Persuasion in a Noncoercive Consumer Economy

The New York v. Actavis decision created the coercion test as an intermediate step toward characterizing product-hopping as an antitrust offense. This Note argues that, through the introduction of the coercion test, Actavis deemphasized the importance of consumer benefits flowing from innovation””whether trivial or substantial””in the demand-side antitrust analysis. Further, the coercion test, defined in…

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Online Comment, July 2016, Kristoffer James S. Jacob California Law Review Online Comment, July 2016, Kristoffer James S. Jacob California Law Review

The Constitutional Price for Affordable Housing

The California Supreme Court held, in the landmark case California Building Industry Association v. City of San Jose, that the City of San Jose’s inclusionary housing ordinance is a valid exercise of the City’s police power. In the context of legal precedent, the California Supreme Court decided the case correctly by applying a lenient standard…

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Online Comment, May 2016, Cynthia Lee California Law Review Online Comment, May 2016, Cynthia Lee California Law Review

Subverting the Communications Decency Act

This Comment discusses J.S. v. Village Voice Media Holdings, arguing that the Washington Supreme Court erodes the safe harbor provision of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996 in this decision. As affirmed by several circuits, the CDA exempts websites and other interactive computer services from liability over third-party content so long as they…

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Online Comment, April 2016, Alexander S. Epstein California Law Review Online Comment, April 2016, Alexander S. Epstein California Law Review

More Money, No Problem

This Comment discusses the implications of McCutcheon v. FEC, arguing that Justice Roberts’s opinion, coupled with Citizens United v. FEC, eviscerates campaign finance laws. The plurality’s position drastically contravenes public policy, overlooks its own precedent, and erroneously ignores McCutcheon‘s inevitable effects.

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Online Essay, November 2015, Suzanne B. Goldberg California Law Review Online Essay, November 2015, Suzanne B. Goldberg California Law Review

The Intersection of Civil Rights and Social Movements

A judicial decision striking down formalized discrimination marks a crucial moment for those it affects and, in some instances, for the surrounding society as well. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges was unquestionably one of those instances. This essay considers the distinct ways in which the civil rights and social movements for…

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Online Essay, November 2015, Cynthia Godsoe California Law Review Online Essay, November 2015, Cynthia Godsoe California Law Review

Marriage Equality and The “New” Maternalism

The battle over same-sex marriage centered on children, with both sides claiming to be the guardians of children’s welfare. Although marriage equality undoubtedly represents a victory for diverse families, the focus on children has also had the detrimental impact of imposing a traditional parenthood paradigm. Specifically, the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion reflects a maternalist…

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Online Essay, November 2015, Peter Nicolas California Law Review Online Essay, November 2015, Peter Nicolas California Law Review

Squandered Potential

This essay critically assesses Justice Kennedy’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges, which declared unconstitutional state laws and constitutional provisions barring same-sex couples from lawfully marrying in the state or having their lawful out-of-state marriages recognized by the state. While acknowledging the important role that Justice Kennedy has played in advancing the cause of gay…

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Online Essay, November 2015, Serena Mayeri California Law Review Online Essay, November 2015, Serena Mayeri California Law Review

Marriage (In)equality and the Historical Legacies of Feminism

In this essay, I measure the majority’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges against two legacies of second-wave feminist legal advocacy: the largely successful campaign to make civil marriage formally gender-neutral; and the lesser-known struggle against laws and practices that penalized women who lived their lives outside of marriage. Obergefell obliquely acknowledges marriage equality’s debt…

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Online Essay, November 2015, Yuvraj Joshi California Law Review Online Essay, November 2015, Yuvraj Joshi California Law Review

Respectable Dignity

In declaring state laws that restrict same-sex marriage unconstitutional, Justice Kennedy invoked “dignity” nine times””to no one’s surprise. References in Obergefell to “dignity” are in important respects the culmination of Justice Kennedy’s elevation of the concept, dating back to the Supreme Court’s 1992 decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. In Casey, “dignity” expressed respect…

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Online Comment, September 2015, Lindsay Walter California Law Review Online Comment, September 2015, Lindsay Walter California Law Review

Judicial Limits in Addressing Homelessness

This comment examines the recent Ninth Circuit case, Desertrain v. City of Los Angeles. The Ninth Circuit seeks to establish a standard that prohibits discretionary enforcement of city municipal codes against homeless people, removing one tool that cities use to keep homeless people out of public spaces. However, the court does not provide cities…

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Online Essay, November 2015, Nan D. Hunter California Law Review Online Essay, November 2015, Nan D. Hunter California Law Review

Interpreting Liberty and Equality Through the Lens of Marriage

In this essay, I argue that marriage, as described and prescribed in Obergefell v. Hodges, functions as a lens that distorts the principles of liberty and equality upon which the opinion is based. The Supreme Court’s language is saturated with paeans to marriage, to the degree that the opinion seems to suggest that the…

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Online Essay, September 2015, Michael Kagan California Law Review Online Essay, September 2015, Michael Kagan California Law Review

Do Immigrants Have Freedom of Speech?

The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently argued that immigrants who have not been legally admitted to the United States have no right to claim protections under the First Amendment. The DOJ built its argument on conflicted case law governing immigrants’ constitutional rights. This Essay argues that, contrary to the DOJ position, all people in…

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Online Comment, August 2015, Taylor Altman California Law Review Online Comment, August 2015, Taylor Altman California Law Review

Integral and Indispensable?

In Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc. v. Busk, the Supreme Court held that post-work security screenings were noncompensable under the FLSA because they were neither the primary activity that the employees were hired to perform nor “integral and indispensable” to that activity. Following a discussion of the Court’s decision, this Comment calls for a reconsideration of…

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Online Essay, August 2015, Andrew Jensen Kerr California Law Review Online Essay, August 2015, Andrew Jensen Kerr California Law Review

Meta-Stories and Missing Facts

This essay renews the debate on the relevance of a literary sensibility to legal practice. Instrumental modalities of legal reasoning inform – and limit – what may count as legal facts. I reference the pattern of high-profile cases at the intersection of race and law enforcement to argue that the strategic description of setting in…

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Online Comment, August 2015, Noah Drake California Law Review Online Comment, August 2015, Noah Drake California Law Review

Public Performance Rights for Pre-1972 Sound Recordings

Historically, radio broadcasters have never paid royalties to rightsholders in sound recordings made before 1972 because it was assumed that there were no public performance rights for such recordings. This was challenged recently when former Turtles members, Flo & Eddie, brought suit in California against Sirius XM, successfully arguing that state law confers a public…

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Online Essay, June 2015, Jack M. Balkin California Law Review Online Essay, June 2015, Jack M. Balkin California Law Review

The Path of Robotics Law

This essay, written as a response to Ryan Calo’s valuable discussion in “Robotics and the Lessons of Cyberlaw,” describes key problems that robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) agents present for law. The first problem is how to distribute rights and responsibilities among human beings when non-human agents create benefits like artistic works or cause harms…

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Online Comment, May 2015, Caroline Mala Corbin California Law Review Online Comment, May 2015, Caroline Mala Corbin California Law Review

Commentary: Exploiting Mixed Speech

The Supreme Court has been taking advantage of mixed speech “speech that is both private and governmental” to characterize challenged speech in the way that permits the government to sponsor Christian speech. In Pleasant Grove City v. Summum, a free speech case where the government accepted a Christian Ten Commandments monument but rejected a Summum Seven Aphorisms…

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Online Essay, May 2015, Dan Terzian California Law Review Online Essay, May 2015, Dan Terzian California Law Review

Forced Decryption as a Foregone Conclusion

This essay examines how the Fifth Amendment Self-Incrimination Clause applies to encrypted data. In particular, it focuses on the Clause’s foregone conclusion exception, which allows the government to compel the production of information where the government reasonably knows that information exists. This essay argues that, under this exception, the government can compel a person to…

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Online Comment, April 2015, Dennise Martinez California Law Review Online Comment, April 2015, Dennise Martinez California Law Review

Redefining the Standard in Loss Causation Arguments

The Ninth Circuit recently ruled that a company announcement of an internal investigation is insufficient to establish a loss causation theory in a securities fraud action under section 10(b) of the Exchange Act. Specifically, it stated that an announcement of an investigation is not a corrective disclosure“”an event that discloses a company’s fraud. This Comment…

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Case Note, April 2015, Margaret Burgess California Law Review Case Note, April 2015, Margaret Burgess California Law Review

Reframing to Achieve Partisan Goals

With the Supreme Court poised to address the fate of the disparate impact theory this term, a recent decision by the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia has grabbed the legal community’s attention: it struck down the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) rule recognizing the disparate impact theory under the…

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