The web edition of the California Law Review.

CLR Online

Online Note, January 2015, Meghan Harrington California Law Review Online Note, January 2015, Meghan Harrington California Law Review

No State Power: Critiquing the Eighth Circuit’s Preemption Analysis

This note contends that federal law should preempt state and local laws that regulate where undocumented immigrants may reside within the United States. In Keller v. City of Fremont, the Eight Circuit recently upheld a local ordinance prohibiting undocumented immigrants from renting housing within the boundaries of the city of Fremont. Though the U.S. Supreme…

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Online Essay, December 2014, M. Alexander Pearl California Law Review Online Essay, December 2014, M. Alexander Pearl California Law Review

How to Be an Authentic Indian

The mascot and team name of the Washington, D.C. professional football team is making headlines. What do Authentic Indians really think about it? This essay clears the air by replacing the liberal media talking points with an actual viewpoint from Indian Country. This perspective gives an inside view into the significant efforts to maintain longstanding…

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Online Article, December 2014, Jason Marisam California Law Review Online Article, December 2014, Jason Marisam California Law Review

Virtue Analysis: A Replay to Professor Sunstein

The rise of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in the administrative state has been one of the most important administrative developments over the past few decades. Today, regulatory agencies proposing significant new rules must perform a CBA for review by the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). This institutionalization of CBA can enhance the legitimacy of agency…

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Online Comment, November 2014, Josh Gupta-Kagan California Law Review Online Comment, November 2014, Josh Gupta-Kagan California Law Review

<em>In re Sanders</em> and the Resurrection of <em>Stanley v. Illinois</em>

In 1972, the Supreme Court in Stanley v. Illinois declared that parents are entitled to a hearing on their fitness before the state places their children in foster care, but for decades family courts would not apply this precedent to non-offending parents in child protection cases. Without even citing Stanley, courts held that finding…

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Online Essay, October 2014, Joel Heller California Law Review Online Essay, October 2014, Joel Heller California Law Review

Subsequent History Omitted

The Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County v. Holder striking down part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 has sparked debate over voting, race, history, and, surprisingly, footnotes. This Essay examines Westlaw’s characterization of the Court’s earlier decision upholding the VRA in South Carolina v. Katzenbach

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Response, September 2014, Timothy M. Mulvaney California Law Review Response, September 2014, Timothy M. Mulvaney California Law Review

Progressive Property Moving Forward

In response to Ezra Rosser’s article, The Ambition and Transformative Potential of Progressive Property, 101 Calif. L. Rev. 107 (2013), Timothy Mulvaney expresses more confidence than does Rosser in property’s potential to serve a role in furthering a progressive society. If property is to serve in this role, however, Mulvaney suggests it is important…

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Online Comment, September 2014, Michael Kagan California Law Review Online Comment, September 2014, Michael Kagan California Law Review

The Limits of Academic Freedom

Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, the Supreme Court’s 2014 decision on race in university admissions, attracted considerable attention due to the sharp disagreement about race consciousness between Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sonia Sotomayor. But behind the evident division on the Court about the race, a close reading of Schuette indicates…

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The Essential Facilities Doctrine

Scholars and judges have long debated whether antitrust law requires dominant firms to share so-called “essential facilities” with rivals. In her final paper, the late Professor Suzanne Scotchmer and coauthor Stephen M. Maurer argue that the doctrine should return to its historic focus on industries where sharing promises important — and otherwise unachievable…

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Online Essay, August 2014, Mystica M. Alexander California Law Review Online Essay, August 2014, Mystica M. Alexander California Law Review

Defining the Whistleblower Under Dodd-Frank: Who Decides?

The SEC and the Judiciary are at odds over whether an individual must report potential securities law violations directly to the SEC in order to qualify as a whistleblower under the Dodd-Frank Act. This Essay examines the statutory language at the heart of the conflict, the SEC regulation that potentially clarifies the scope of whistleblower…

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Online Essay, June 2014, Dianne M. Ring, Shu-Yi Oei California Law Review Online Essay, June 2014, Dianne M. Ring, Shu-Yi Oei California Law Review

The New “Human Equity” Transactions

Are we entering an era where investors can acquire an equity stake in an individual? A new family of marketplace transactions provides individuals with financing for business, entrepreneurship, education, or diversification purposes in return for the individual’s promise to pay a percentage of her income for a period of years. This Essay briefly discusses the…

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Online Essay, May 2014, Brian L. Owsley California Law Review Online Essay, May 2014, Brian L. Owsley California Law Review

To Unseal or Not to Unseal: The Judiciary’s Role in Preventing Transparency in Electronic Surveillance Applications and Orders

This essay addresses the issue of transparency in the judiciary regarding the sealing of applications for electronic surveillance. Specifically, it concerns the experiences of a federal magistrate who attempted to unseal a number of surveillance applications and orders…

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Case Note, March 2014, Lauren Blakely California Law Review Case Note, March 2014, Lauren Blakely California Law Review

The Lucky Ketchup Packet

For years, the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit have dismissed state law claims by small inventors on the grounds that federal patent law preempts state laws offering patent-like protections. Recently, David Wawrzynski, a man who claims he invented the idea for Heinz’s new “Dip & Squeeze®” ketchup packet, filed state law claims against…

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Case Note, March 2014, Christopher Hammond California Law Review Case Note, March 2014, Christopher Hammond California Law Review

Expanding Property Rights in Takings Jurisprudence

The Supreme Court recently revisited the scope of the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause–this time, in the land-use permitting context. In this Case Note, the author argues that the Court in Koontz v. St. Johns properly prioritized the right at issue over the means by which the government might infringe upon it and…

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Case Note, March 2014, Christopher Sung California Law Review Case Note, March 2014, Christopher Sung California Law Review

How Should Lower Courts Interpret Plurality Decisions?

In this Case Note, the author examines the D.C. Circuit’s decision in United States v. Duvall, a case that illustrates the difficulty the D.C. Circuit has had in interpreting the Supreme Court’s plurality decision in Freeman v. United States. The author analyzes the Supreme Court’s method for interpreting plurality decisions, the Marks rule, and…

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Online Essay, December 2013, Fredrick E. Vars California Law Review Online Essay, December 2013, Fredrick E. Vars California Law Review

When God Spikes Your Drink: Guilty Without <em>Mens Rea</em>

Professor Fredrick Vars criticizes the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Metrish v. Lancaster. That case broadened the prohibition on introducing evidence of mental illness to negate intent in criminal cases. Because many states allow evidence of intoxication on intent, Professor Vars argues that it is illogical and unfair…

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Response, December 2013, Christian R. Burset California Law Review Response, December 2013, Christian R. Burset California Law Review

The Messy History of the Federal Eminent Domain Power: A Response to William Baude

In this response to William Baude’s article, “Rethinking the Federal Eminent Domain Power,” Christian Burset challenges Baude’s claim that antebellum legislators, commentators, and judges uniformly refused to acknowledge a federal eminent domain power. Examining historical sources and case law, Burset highlights how changing political attitudes influenced historic beliefs…

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Book Review, December 2013, D. Wendy Greene California Law Review Book Review, December 2013, D. Wendy Greene California Law Review

All in the Family: Interracial Intimacy, Racial Fictions, and the Law

Professor Wendy Greene highlights the continued importance of analyzing interracial relationships in the framework of the law in her review of Professor Angela Onwuachi-Willig’s book, According to Our Hearts: Rhinelander v. Rhinelander and the Law of the Multiracial Family. Professor Greene comments that given the Supreme Court’s continued interest in cases involving marital…

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Response, October 2013, Melissa Murray California Law Review Response, October 2013, Melissa Murray California Law Review


In her response to “Innocence Interrupted: Reconstructing Fatherhood in the Shadow of Child Molestation Law” (101 Calif. L. Rev. 609), Professor Melissa Murray compares contemporary criminal child molestation statutes to Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon, the all-observing watchtower that normalizes expectations of constant state surveillance. Arguing that the enforcement of child-molestation laws creates…

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Book Review, October 2013, Holning Lau California Law Review Book Review, October 2013, Holning Lau California Law Review

Beyond Our Hearts: The Ecology of Couple Relationships

In his review of Professor Angela Onwuachi-Willig’s book, According to Our Hearts: Rhinelander v. Rhinelander and the Law of the Multiracial Family, Professor Holning Lau extends Professor Onwuachi-Willig’s analysis of how external support is instrumental to the success of relationships beyond multiracial couples. Arguing that ecological factors should play a larger role…

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