California Law Review runs Berkeley Law's annual Write-On competition to accept new members. The membership selection process is described below.
Watch a recorded panel discussion on “Who Cares About Law Review, Anyway?” hosted at Berkeley Law on October 24, 2019, to learn more about the California Law Review.
Write-On Competition for 1L JD Students
Write-On for current first-year students at Berkeley Law will begin and end in May, after spring final exams. Students will have the option to complete the first part of the competition, the line-editing packet, during one weekend of their spring break.
Spring Path
Complete and turn in the line-editing packet during either the first (March 21–23) or the second (March 28–30) weekend of spring break.
Complete and turn in the primary edit and personal statement parts of the Write-On by Monday, May 26. Primary edit begins Monday, May 16.
Summer Path
Starting Friday, May 16, complete all three parts of the Write-On and submit on Wednesday, May 28.
Registration deadlines for the Spring Path and Summer Path will be announced during the spring information sessions and mandatory Write-On training. Registration forms will be distributed via our bCourses page and completed forms should be turned in on bCourses.
Successful participants who are invited to join California Law Review’s membership will be expected to attend CLR orientation on August 16.
Write-On Competition for Transfer JD Students
Any potential transfer student may take part in the Write-On regardless of whether they have been accepted or committed to Berkeley Law. Interested students should email the Senior Development Editor (Meg O’Neill, meg.oneill@berkeley.edu) no later than June 30. Write-On will take place July 5–17.
Successful participants who are invited to join California Law Review’s membership will be expected to attend CLR orientation on August 16.
Frequently Asked Questions About Write-On
Are there opportunities to learn more about California Law Review and Write-On through my student groups?
Yes! California Law Review is happy to support student groups who want to learn more about California Law Review and Write-On. If your student group is interested in organizing a workshop with a group of students, please email the Senior Development Editor (meg.oneill@berkeley.edu) with your request. Finally, don’t hesitate to reach out to California Law Review 3L members in your student groups. 2L members may not provide samples of their successful write-on materials, but 3L members can provide support and mentorship in this way. Both 2L and 3L members are excited to answer your questions and give you advice!
Who may participate in the Write-On competition?
Students pursuing the following degrees may participate in the Write-On competition:
JD with concurrent degree.
Sloshball, 2024.
When may I participate in the Write-On competition?
Students pursuing a JD or a JD with a concurrent degree must participate in the Write-On Competition immediately following completion of their 1L year (their first year of legal instruction). Transfer students, and only transfer students, may participate in a summer write-on beginning in mid July before their 2L year.
May I participate in more than one California Law Review Write-On competition?
No. Each applicant may only participate in one California Law Review-sponsored Write-On competition. “Participate” includes those who apply but do not complete the components.
Where does the competition take place? What if I will not be in Berkeley during the competition?
There is no “in-person” requirement to participate in the write-on. In past years, applicants have been in other states or other countries while completing the components. Please let us know as soon as possible if you will be in a location with unreliable internet or mail and we will try to make reasonable accommodations.
Members of the journal’s First Generation Group meet for lunch in fall 2022.
What are the dates of this year's Write-On competition?
Write-On takes place immediately after spring final exams, with the option to do a portion of the competition during one of two weekends during the spring break.
For transfer students, dates for the Write-On competition are July 5–17. Interested students should contact the Senior Development Editor (meg.oneill@berkeley.edu) no later than June 30.
When will I hear about the Write-On?
California Law Review will host information sessions and provide resources explaining every component of the Write-On. These include:
two information sessions. You may attend either of the information sessions.
February 13 at 5:45-6:45 pm, Write-On Information Session
February 20 at 5:45-6:45 pm, Public Interest/Public Service Information Session
one pre-recorded video training. This video will be sent around March 13.
Additionally, there will be Open-Door Days in the California Law Review office on the week of March 10 from 1:00-2:00 pm.
How can I prepare for the Write-On competition?
You will not know the case or subject until the competition begins. However, there are a few things you can do now to prepare for the Write-On. We suggest joining a journal during your 1L year. While membership will not factor into our decision, as a journal member you will become familiar with legal scholarship, bluebooking, and editing guidelines. All these skills will help prepare you for the Write-On competition.
Field Day, 2021.
I am a 1L and I plan to take a year or more off before starting my 2L year. Can I participate in the Write-On and when should I?
Students planning to take a year or more off before their 2L year must participate in the Write-On competition immediately following their 1L year and may then defer membership.
Will California Law Review consider resumes, past experience, or grades to make membership decisions?
No. California Law Review only considers the primary edit, line edit, and personal statement. We are unique in that we do not consider grades, therefore giving each student an equal chance to display the skills necessary to be a California Law Review editor. However, past experience with legal scholarship, bluebooking, and editing will show through, and we suggest you participate in other Berkeley Law journals to gain these skills.
How many students participate and how many are accepted?
Please note that the number of students who participate in Write-On, as well as the number of students who are accepted, can vary significantly from year to year. As an example, 150 students may complete the packet and we may accept 80-85 of those students. As another example, 25 students may participate in the transfer Write-On process and we may accept 8. These numbers can change greatly and are not a guarantee of how many students we will accept in any given year.
Journal Halloween, 2022.