Articles, notes, and symposia pieces published in CLR’s print volumes.

Print Edition

Note, Volume 108, October 2020, Nina Lincoff California Law Review Note, Volume 108, October 2020, Nina Lincoff California Law Review

Looking to Hybrid Species for the Future of Coral Reefs

Although corals can hybridize and adapt to the threat of climate change, the existing legal framework in the United States is insufficient to ensure their protection. This regulatory gap leaves hybrid corals exposed to local and regional stressors. But legal protections, like the corals themselves, can adapt and evolve. If we value coral reefs, we should modify the…

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Note, Volume 108, October 2020, Ping Liu California Law Review Note, Volume 108, October 2020, Ping Liu California Law Review

Making the Grade: Rethinking the U.S. Food Retail Inspection and Rating Regulatory System

The FDA’s oversight of food retail has not kept pace with modern legislation’s move toward standardized guidelines across the food industry. Instead, the FDA’s feeble attempt at a command-and-control model has crumbled into a system that is de facto deregulated and lacks uniformity…

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Article, Volume 108, October 2020, Robert A. Schapiro California Law Review Article, Volume 108, October 2020, Robert A. Schapiro California Law Review

States of Inequality: Fiscal Federalism, Unequal States, and Unequal People

Two potential solutions that have been proposed for addressing the fiscal disparity among states are (1) following the lead of other federal nations and adopting a system of interstate fiscal equalization or (2) ending federalism and fully nationalizing key programs. As I will discuss, neither of these polar solutions is feasible or desirable. Instead, drawing on…

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Article, Volume 108, October 2020, Dara E. Purvis, Melissa Blanco California Law Review Article, Volume 108, October 2020, Dara E. Purvis, Melissa Blanco California Law Review

Police Sexual Violence: Police Brutality, #MeToo, and Masculinities

The epidemic of PSV [police sexual violence], both in scale and in concept, is startlingly underanalyzed. Sexual assaults committed by police against members of the public operate at the intersection of two vital national conversations about police brutality and sexual violence and harassment…

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Article, Volume 108, October 2020, Asad Rahim California Law Review Article, Volume 108, October 2020, Asad Rahim California Law Review

Diversity to Deradicalize

In articulating a new explanation of Powell’s motives in Bakke, this Article not only calls into question the prevailing understanding that Powell was motivated by his commitment to racial justice, it also complicates a more critical view of the diversity rationale that locates the Court’s endorsement of “the educational benefits of diversity” in a recognition that exposure to racial minorities confers…

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Article, Volume 108, October 2020, Jessica Lynn Wherry California Law Review Article, Volume 108, October 2020, Jessica Lynn Wherry California Law Review

Kicked Out, Kicked Again: The Discharge Review Boards’ Illiberal Application of Liberal Consideration for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Rather than continue this pattern of punishing veterans for having mental health conditions—commander kicks them out and the discharge review board kicks them again—veterans deserve the opportunity for true relief in recognition of their service and the mental health condition they developed due to that service…

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Note, Volume 108, August 2020, Anne Weis California Law Review Note, Volume 108, August 2020, Anne Weis California Law Review

Fleeing for Their Lives: Domestic Violence Asylum

This Note argues that it is a mistake to classify domestic violence as a primarily “private” crime given its widespread and gendered nature. Further, in some cases, the infliction of domestic violence is ignored—if not condoned—by state actors, casting doubt upon Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s claim in Matter of A-B-that such violence does not involve…

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Article, Volume 108, August 2020, Nadia N. Sawicki California Law Review Article, Volume 108, August 2020, Nadia N. Sawicki California Law Review

The Conscience Defense to Malpractice

This Article presents the first empirical study of state conscience laws that establish explicit procedural protections for medical providers who refuse to participate in providing reproductive health services, including abortion, sterilization, contraception, and emergency contraception. Scholarship and public debate about law’s role in protecting health care providers’ conscience rights…

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Article, Volume 108, August 2020, Jeffrey Bellin California Law Review Article, Volume 108, August 2020, Jeffrey Bellin California Law Review

Theories of Prosecution

For decades, legal commentators sounded the alarm about the tremendous power wielded by prosecutors. Scholars went so far as to identify uncurbed prosecutorial discretion as the primary source of the criminal justice system’s many flaws. Over the past two years, however, the conversation shifted. With the emergence of a new wave of “progressive prosecutors,” scholars…

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Article, Volume 108, August 2020, Yaron Nili, Cathy Hwang California Law Review Article, Volume 108, August 2020, Yaron Nili, Cathy Hwang California Law Review

Shadow Governance

Corporations have something to say about some of the most important social and economic issues of our time—and one way they say it is through shadow governance. This Article spotlights a group of influential corporate policies comprising what we call “shadow governance.” These non-charter, non-bylaw governance documents express a corporation’s commitment to and process…

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Article, Volume 108, August 2020, Emily Suski California Law Review Article, Volume 108, August 2020, Emily Suski California Law Review

The Title IX Paradox

When Christine Blasey Ford explained to the Senate Judiciary Committee why she had not reported her sexual assault at age fifteen, she captured the struggle of many children who must decide whether to make such reports: “For a very long time, I was too afraid and ashamed to tell anyone the details.” Thousands of sexual…

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Article, Lecture, Volume 108, August 2020, David B. Wilkins California Law Review Article, Lecture, Volume 108, August 2020, David B. Wilkins California Law Review

John Robinson Wilkins and the Resources of the Law: Testing the Limits of Race, Law and Development, and the American Legal Profession

In the fall of 1964, my uncle John Robinson Wilkins joined the Berkeley Law School faculty. He was the first black professor in the school’s illustrious history and only the second in the entire UC Berkeley system. Tragically, my uncle’s time on the Berkeley faculty would be short. In 1970, he was diagnosed with an…

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Iron-ing out Circuit Splits: A Proposal for the Use of the Irons Procedure to Prevent and Resolve Circuit Splits Among United States Courts of Appeals

Part I of this Article discusses the problems circuit splits pose and how the circuit courts’ growing caseloads, combined with the Supreme Court’s shrinking docket, are perpetuating the potential for increasing circuit splits. Part II discusses the informal en banc procedures currently in place in the courts of appeals. Part III provides an overview of…

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Symposium, Article, Volume 108, June 2020, Christopher Slobogin California Law Review Symposium, Article, Volume 108, June 2020, Christopher Slobogin California Law Review

The Case for a Federal Criminal Court System (and Sentencing Reform)

In their article in this issue, Professors Peter Menell and Ryan Vacca describe a federal court docket that is overloaded and unable to process cases efficiently. This article first considers whether the problems Menell and Vacca describe on the civil side afflict criminal litigation to the same extent. On the assumption that the problems in…

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Regulating Implicit Bias in the Federal Criminal Process

Like other supervisory lawyers, federal judges have twin responsibilities. They must comport with ethical and professional rules that govern their own behavior while simultaneously monitoring other attorneys to ensure they are not violating similarly controlling rules. The judicial robe, however, adds an extra dimension of responsibility in the trial oversight process…

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Interbranch Information Sharing: Examining the Statutory Opinion Transmission Project

In 2007, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts revitalized a little-known program to “foster communication” between the judicial and legislative branches, enabling federal appellate judges to send to Congress, without further comment, opinions “that describe possible technical problems in statutes.” In our view, such a program is sensible: The Judiciary is uniquely situated to…

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Symposium, Essay, Volume 108, June 2020, Jon O. Newman California Law Review Symposium, Essay, Volume 108, June 2020, Jon O. Newman California Law Review

The Current Challenge of Federal Court Reform

Keynoter? What a daunting assignment before this gathering! I’m reminded of President John F. Kennedy’s remark at a dinner honoring Nobel Prize winners: “This is the most extraordinary collection of talent . . . that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.” As I survey this…

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Symposium, Essay, Volume 108, June 2020, Jeremy Fogel California Law Review Symposium, Essay, Volume 108, June 2020, Jeremy Fogel California Law Review

Foreword: Symposium on Charting a Path for Federal Judiciary Reform

A principal mission of the Berkeley Judicial Institute (BJI), which I am privileged to serve as Executive Director, is to “fill a long-standing need to establish an effective bridge between the legal academy and the judiciary.” This mission statement reflects a common perception among both legal scholars and judges that the two institutions often talk…

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Note, Volume 108, June 2020, Jacquie Andreano California Law Review Note, Volume 108, June 2020, Jacquie Andreano California Law Review

The Disproportionate Effect of Mutual Restraining Orders on Same-Sex Domestic Violence Victims

This Note will discuss how the erasure of LGBT victims from the domestic violence narrative has perpetuated the overuse of dual arrest and mutual restraining orders in domestic violence cases with same-sex couples despite the minimal use of these legal tools in the general population. Both the social narrative of domestic violence as well as…

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