Articles, notes, and symposia pieces published in CLR’s print volumes.

Print Edition

Note, Volume 108, June 2020, Amisha Gandhi California Law Review Note, Volume 108, June 2020, Amisha Gandhi California Law Review

California County Oversight of Use Policies For Surveillance Technology

California Senate Bill 1186 (SB 1186), proposed in 2018, would have implemented surveillance transparency, accountability, and oversight measures over the California Highway Patrol, the California Department of Justice, and every California police department, sheriff’s office, district attorney’s office, and school district and state university public safety department. Had it been enacted, SB 1186…

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Article, Volume 108, June 2020, Peter S. Menell, Ryan Vacca California Law Review Article, Volume 108, June 2020, Peter S. Menell, Ryan Vacca California Law Review

Revisiting and Confronting the Federal Judiciary Capacity “Crisis”: Charting a Path for Federal Judiciary Reform

The modern federal judiciary was established well over a century ago by the Judiciary Act of 1891. Over the next seventy years, the structure and core functioning of the judiciary largely remained unchanged apart from gradual increases in judicial slots. By the mid-1960s, jurists, scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers had voiced grave concerns about the capacity…

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Article, Volume 108, June 2020, Jared A. Ellias, Robert J. Stark California Law Review Article, Volume 108, June 2020, Jared A. Ellias, Robert J. Stark California Law Review

Bankruptcy Hardball

On the eve of the financial crisis, a series of Delaware court decisions resulted in a radical change in law: creditors would no longer have the kind of common law protections from opportunism that helped protect their bargains for the better part of two centuries. In this Article, we argue that Delaware’s shift materially altered…

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The Institutional Design of Community Control

A growing set of social movements has in recent years revived interest in “community control,” the idea that local residents should exercise power over services like the police, infrastructure, and schools. These range from a call from the Partnership for Working Families, a grassroots coalition, to build community control through the direct democratic governance of…

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Article, Volume 108, June 2020, Shalini Bhargava Ray California Law Review Article, Volume 108, June 2020, Shalini Bhargava Ray California Law Review

The Law of Rescue

Diverse areas of law regulate acts of rescue, often inconsistently. For example, maritime law mandates rescue, immigrant harboring law prohibits it, and tort law generally permits it but does not require it. Modern legal scholarship has focused principally on mandatory and permissive forms of rescue. With humanitarian actors facing prosecution for saving migrants’ lives in…

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Note, Volume 108, April 2020, Julie Pittman California Law Review Note, Volume 108, April 2020, Julie Pittman California Law Review

Released into Shackles: The Rise of Immigrant E-Carceration

This Note challenges the increasingly normalized characterization of ankle monitors as a positive alternative to detention. Although ankle monitors have been subject to some public criticism, advocates on both sides of the aisle have increasingly pointed to ankle monitors as a more humane, cost-effective alternative to detention. In comparison to immigration detention or refoulement, ankle…

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Note, Volume 108, April 2020, Zainab Ramahi California Law Review Note, Volume 108, April 2020, Zainab Ramahi California Law Review

The Muslim Ban Cases: A Lost Opportunity for the Court and a Lesson for the Future

On January 27, 2017, newly inaugurated President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order that banned individuals from certain Muslim-majority countries from entry into the United States. The district and circuit courts’ subsequent refusals to sanction the Muslim Bans offered hope to those who recognized the bans as part of a legacy of racist and Islamophobic…

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Article, Volume 108, April 2020, Matthew L.M. Fletcher California Law Review Article, Volume 108, April 2020, Matthew L.M. Fletcher California Law Review

Politics, Indian Law, and the Constitution

The question of whether Congress may create legal classifications based on Indian status under the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause is reaching a critical point. Critics claim the Constitution allows no room to create race- or ancestry-based legal classifications. The critics are wrong. When it comes to Indian affairs, the Constitution is not colorblind…

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Article, Volume 108, April 2020, Brandon L. Garrett, John Monahan California Law Review Article, Volume 108, April 2020, Brandon L. Garrett, John Monahan California Law Review

Judging Risk

Risk assessment plays an increasingly pervasive role in criminal justice in the United States at all stages of the process—from policing to pretrial detention, sentencing, corrections, and parole. As efforts to reduce mass incarceration have led to the adoption of risk-assessment tools, critics have begun to ask whether various instruments in use are valid, and…

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Article, Volume 108, April 2020, Julie Dahlstrom California Law Review Article, Volume 108, April 2020, Julie Dahlstrom California Law Review

The Elastic Meaning(s) of Human Trafficking

What is human trafficking? When is an expansive definition of trafficking justifiable? How does trafficking relate to other concepts—like domestic violence, sexual assault, labor exploitation, and prostitution—with which it often overlaps? These questions have become increasingly salient after the U.S. Congress defined the crime of human trafficking in the Victims of Trafficking and…

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The Urban Environmental Renaissance

City governments were an important source of environmental protection in the United States from the 1800s until well into the 1900s. However, since Congress passed a series of landmark environmental statutes in the 1970s, scholars have primarily equated environmental law with federal law. To the extent that scholars consider subnational sources of environmental law, they…

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Note, Volume 108, February 2020, Julien Crockett California Law Review Note, Volume 108, February 2020, Julien Crockett California Law Review

Morality: An Important Consideration at the Patent Office

Recent developments in biotechnology have opened new avenues not only for research but also for patenting. However, recent United States Supreme Court decisions such as Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics demonstrate the interpretive difficulties these new technologies raise in patent law. Many scholars, for example, have argued that rather than using the “product…

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Note, Volume 108, February 2020, Annie Sloan California Law Review Note, Volume 108, February 2020, Annie Sloan California Law Review

Using a Court Rule to Address Implicit Bias in Jury Selection

In Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79 (1986), the U.S. Supreme Court attempted to eliminate racial discrimination in jury selection by prohibiting the use of peremptory challenges to intentionally strike prospective jurors based on their race. Today, more than thirty years later, Batson’s now-familiar three-part framework is widely considered to be a toothless and inadequate…

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The Disgorgement Remedy of Design Patent Law

Until recently, the disgorgement of profits remedy in US design patent law garnered little attention from scholars or practitioners. Congress created this remedy in the late nineteenth century to overrule two Supreme Court decisions that awarded nominal damages as the sole compensatory remedy for infringements of design patents. Under the new remedy, a design…

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Article, Volume 108, February 2020, Bernadette Atuahene California Law Review Article, Volume 108, February 2020, Bernadette Atuahene California Law Review

Predatory Cities

Between 2011 and 2015, the Wayne County Treasurer completed the property tax foreclosure process for one in four properties in Detroit, Michigan. No other American city has experienced this elevated rate of property tax foreclosures since the Great Depression. Studies reveal that the City of Detroit systematically and illegally inflated the assessed value of most…

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Article, Volume 108, February 2020, Eric Ruben California Law Review Article, Volume 108, February 2020, Eric Ruben California Law Review

An Unstable Core: Self-Defense and the Second Amendment

In District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court announced for the first time that self-defense, not militia service, is the “core” of the right to keep and bear arms. However, the Court failed to articulate what that means for the right’s implementation. After Heller, most courts deciding Second Amendment questions have mentioned self-defense only superficially…

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Unaccompanied Minors, Statutory Interpretation, and Due Process

In recent years, there has been a massive influx of unaccompanied minors (UMs) crossing the southern border. Under the Trump administration, migrant children are being held in detention centers at unprecedented levels, with a five-fold increase in the last year alone. Without legal representation, UMs have little to no capability to defend against removal charges and to advocate for any existing statutory…

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Symposium, Essay, Volume 107, December 2019, David Alan Sklansky California Law Review Symposium, Essay, Volume 107, December 2019, David Alan Sklansky California Law Review

Populism, Pluralism, and Criminal Justice

The story that James Forman Jr. tells in his superb book, Locking Up Our Own, is local and nuanced. Forman explains that mass incarceration resulted from many small decisions made in many different places. Although all of those decisions were shaped by the legacies of racism and racial oppression, Forman shows that mass incarceration was…

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Symposium, Essay, Volume 107, December 2019, L. Song Richardson California Law Review Symposium, Essay, Volume 107, December 2019, L. Song Richardson California Law Review

The Fallacy of the (Racial) Solidarity Presumption

Mass incarceration in America is a story of race discrimination. On the one hand, this means our knowledge about discrimination helps explain why our criminal system looks the way it does. On the other hand, mass incarceration can also teach us something profound about the nature of discrimination itself. In Locking Up Our Own, James Forman Jr. does a masterful job excavating, analyzing…

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Symposium, Essay, Volume 107, December 2019, Paul Butler California Law Review Symposium, Essay, Volume 107, December 2019, Paul Butler California Law Review

Locking Up My Own: Reflections of a Black (Recovering) Prosecutor

I was a prosecutor in the District of Columbia during the era of Locking Up Our Own. I was a trial attorney in the U.S. Department of Justice in the early 1990s. Most of my work was in the Public Integrity Section at Main Justice, but for approximately one year I was detailed to the misdemeanor section of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. The U.S. Attorney’s Office serves as the…

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