Articles, notes, and symposia pieces published in CLR’s print volumes.
Print Edition
Prison Banking
This Article examines the history and legal status of inmate trust accounts and the vulnerability of these funds. The Article places prison banking within the broader landscape of racialized wealth extraction through the criminal system and challenges the assumption that prisons and jails—subject to little regulation despite apparent conflicts of interest—should be permitted to operate a low-transparency banking system with exclusive control.
Proposition 209 and the Hidden Diversity Ecosystem: The Aftermath of California’s Affirmative Action Ban
This Note argues that today’s increased racial diversity in the UC’s student body is a result of a two-part system: (1) the UC’s diversity efforts within its self-prescribed limits under Proposition 209, and (2) the hidden ecosystem of private actors acting outside doctrinal limits to increase diversity in higher education.
Internal Revenue’s External Borders
This Article proposes reforms to better align tax agency efforts with their revenue-generating mission and to protect immigrants caught in the crosshairs. Those reforms include redesigning criminal tax investigations, crafting interagency agreements, and providing immigration relief.
Sliding Scales of Justice? An Analysis of California’s Approach to Unconscionability
Despite its growing prominence, the sliding-scale approach to unconscionability remains undertheorized. Courts have seldom discussed its rationale, and scholarly commentators have largely neglected the concept. To help fill this lacuna, this Note provides a history and analysis of California’s sliding-scale approach to unconscionability.
A Right to Be Left Dead
This Article interrogates the need for a right to be left dead and takes some preliminary steps towards defining its contours, chief among them an awareness that an individual right to prevent unauthorized reanimations of the dead must look very different than the existing privacy, consumer protection, and property laws marshalled against unauthorized invocations of the living.
Rethinking Environmental Disclosure
Despite the widespread enthusiasm, after decades of implementation it is increasingly clear that information regulation largely fails to achieve its environmental goals. This Article makes two main contributions. By drawing on quantitative and qualitative case studies of information-forcing regulations, it first answers the question of whether this approach to environmental regulation is effective. This Article then analyzes the mechanisms behind information forcing in conjunction with these case studies to propose characteristics that determine the success, or failure, of information regulation.