Articles, notes, and symposia pieces published in CLR’s print volumes.

Print Edition

When Judges Were Enjoined: Text and Tradition in the Federal Review of State Judicial Action

It is virtually a tenet of modern federal jurisdiction that judges, at least when they are acting as judges, are inappropriate defendants in civil suits. Yet on rare but salient occasions, state judges might be the sole or primary party responsible for violating the constitutional rights of citizens, for instance by imposing excessive bail or by opening their courtrooms to oppressive private suits like those under Texas’s Senate Bill 8 bounty regime.

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Article, Volume 111, December 2023, John Harland Giammatteo California Law Review Article, Volume 111, December 2023, John Harland Giammatteo California Law Review

The New Comity Abstention

In the past ten years, lower federal courts have quietly but regularly abstained from hearing federal claims challenging state court procedures, citing concerns of comity and federalism. Federal courts have dismissed a broad range of substantive challenges tasked to them by Congress, including those under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Indian Child Welfare Act.

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Democracy’s Other Boundary Problem: The Law of Disqualification

Almost all national constitutions contain one or more ways to disqualify specific individuals from political office. Indeed, the U.S. Constitution incorporates at least four overlapping pathways toward disqualification. This power of disqualifying specific individuals or groups stands at the heart of the complex project of maintaining democratic rule.

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Note, Volume 111, October 2023, Sarah M. Garrett California Law Review Note, Volume 111, October 2023, Sarah M. Garrett California Law Review

Coercive Control Legislation: Using the Tort System to Empower Survivors of Domestic Violence

This Note analyzes the various approaches to legislating against coercive control and ultimately recommends against criminalizing the behavior, as such efforts could cause backlash against survivors and are likely to disproportionately affect marginalized communities.

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Note, Volume 111, October 2023, Geraldine Burrola California Law Review Note, Volume 111, October 2023, Geraldine Burrola California Law Review

Reclaiming LA’s “Mulholland Moment”: Wastewater Recycling, the Public Trust Doctrine, and Saving the LA River

Los Angeles is experiencing an unprecedented “Mulholland Moment”: a period of bustling enterprise, skyrocketing socioeconomic inequality, and dwindling water resources. After years of yellow lawns and increasing water use restrictions, Angelenos are thirsty for local, reliable, and affordable water supplies even as climate change and prolonged periods of drought become the norm.

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Article, Volume 111, October 2023, Tarek Z. Ismail California Law Review Article, Volume 111, October 2023, Tarek Z. Ismail California Law Review

Family Policing and the Fourth Amendment

Each year, Child Protective Services (CPS) investigates over one million families. Every CPS investigation includes a thorough, room-by-room search of the family home, designed to uncover evidence of maltreatment. Most seek evidence of poverty-related allegations of neglect; few ever substantiate the allegations.

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Article, Volume 111, October 2023, Nadiyah J. Humber California Law Review Article, Volume 111, October 2023, Nadiyah J. Humber California Law Review

A Home for Digital Equity: Algorithmic Redlining and Property Technology

Property technologies (PropTech) are innovations that automate real estate transactions. Automating rental markets amplifies racial discrimination and segregation in housing. Because screening tools rely on data drawn from discriminatory—and often overtly segregationist—historical practices, they replicate those practices’ unequal outcomes in the form of algorithmic redlining.

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Article, Volume 111, October 2023, Kate Weisburd California Law Review Article, Volume 111, October 2023, Kate Weisburd California Law Review

Rights Violations as Punishment

This Article argues that “punishment exemption”—the assumption that criminal punishment is exempt from traditional constitutional scrutiny—has no legal basis. Drawing on original empirical research, this Article first exposes a maze of modern non-carceral punishments that infringe on constitutional rights, justified by nothing more than the assertion that they are punishment and therefore permissible.

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Note, Volume 111, August 2023, Lauren Trombetta California Law Review Note, Volume 111, August 2023, Lauren Trombetta California Law Review

Jet-Setting to Napa Vineyards and Las Vegas Casinos on the Company’s Dime: How the SEC’s Recent Enforcement Actions Expose the Need for Executive Perquisite Reform

Despite the increased attention on executive compensation generally, little scholarship has focused on executive perquisites: benefits granted only to executives above and beyond their salary and untied to their job performance. Since 2006, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has refused to update its disclosure requirements…

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Note, Volume 111, August 2023, Sylvia Woodmansee California Law Review Note, Volume 111, August 2023, Sylvia Woodmansee California Law Review

Invisible Hands: Forced Labor in the United States and the H-2 Temporary Worker Visa Program

Each year, hundreds of thousands of workers enter the United States on H-2 temporary worker visas for low-wage, seasonal employment. These workers are each legally tied to their U.S. employer in industries largely outside of public view, such as agriculture, food processing, construction, landscaping, amusement, and forestry. Although H-2 visa workers are integral to the U.S. economy, exploitation against them and systemic violations of their legal rights are rampant.

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Article, Volume 111, August 2023, Shefali Milczarek-Desai California Law Review Article, Volume 111, August 2023, Shefali Milczarek-Desai California Law Review

Opening the Pandemic Portal to Re-Imagine Paid Sick Leave for Immigrant Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has spotlighted the crisis low-wage immigrant and migrant (im/migrant) workers face when caught in the century-long collision between immigration enforcement and workers’ rights. Im/migrant workers toil in key industries, from health care to food production, that many now associate with laudable buzzwords such as “frontline” and “essential.” But these industries conceal jobs that pay little, endanger workers’ health and safety, and have high rates of legal violations by employers. Im/migrant…

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Article, Volume 111, August 2023, Nicole Langston California Law Review Article, Volume 111, August 2023, Nicole Langston California Law Review

Discharge Discrimination

Although the Bankruptcy Code is facially neutral, the consumer bankruptcy discharge provisions produce anomalies that run counter to bankruptcy’s internal principles of not forgiving debt that is based on misconduct or that implicates a public policy concern. For example, the discharge provisions allow some individuals to discharge debt that stems from civil rights violations or tortious discrimination. In contrast, the Bankruptcy Code precludes some debtors from debt relief based on narrow views of misconduct or misconceptions about moral hazards.

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Article, Volume 111, August 2023, Andrew Hammond California Law Review Article, Volume 111, August 2023, Andrew Hammond California Law Review

On Fires, Floods, and Federalism

In the United States, law condemns poor people to their fates in states. Where Americans live continues to dictate whether they can access cash, food, and medical assistance. What’s more, immigrants, territorial residents, and tribal members encounter deteriorated corners of the American welfare state. Nonetheless, despite repeated retrenchment efforts, this patchwork of programs has proven remarkably resilient. Yet, the ability of the United States to meet its people’s most basic needs now faces an unprecedented…

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Article, Volume 111, August 2023, Creola Johnson California Law Review Article, Volume 111, August 2023, Creola Johnson California Law Review

The Modern Family Debacle: Bankruptcy Judges Decide that Some Debtors’ Loved Ones Do Not Count as Household Members!

Congress enacted the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) with the express purpose of limiting the number of consumer debtors eligible to file a Chapter 7 case, which typically lasts only a few months and eliminates the debtor’s unsecured debts. Under BAPCPA, bankruptcy courts…

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Note, Volume 111, June 2023, Elizabeth C. Doctorov California Law Review Note, Volume 111, June 2023, Elizabeth C. Doctorov California Law Review

Fearless Dining: Mandating Universal Allergen Disclosures on Restaurant Menus

Nearly twenty percent of consumers self-identify as suffering from a food allergy or sensitivity, and over 30 million people in the United States have medically proven food allergies. Food allergies cause over 200,000 emergency room visits annually in the United States alone. Among these severe allergen-related food incidents, nearly three-quarters arise at restaurants.

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Note, Volume 111, June 2023, Annabelle Wilmott California Law Review Note, Volume 111, June 2023, Annabelle Wilmott California Law Review

Protecting the Right to a Meaningful Defense: Criminal Trial Storytelling

The widely accepted “Story Model” of jury decision-making acknowledges that juries, in large part, base their decisions not on logical or probabilistic reasoning but on the stories they construct at trial. Storytelling thus plays an important role in guaranteeing a criminal defendant a fair trial, especially where a defendant’s race triggers stereotypes that risk the presumption of innocence.

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Article, Volume 111, June 2023, Jessica M. Eaglin California Law Review Article, Volume 111, June 2023, Jessica M. Eaglin California Law Review

Racializing Algorithms

There is widespread recognition that algorithms in criminal law’s administration can impose negative racial and social effects. Scholars tend to offer two ways to address this concern through law—tinkering around the tools or abolishing the tools through law and policy. This Article contends that these paradigmatic interventions, though they may center racial disparities, legitimate the way race functions to structure society through the intersection of technology and law.

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Unfulfilled Promises of the Fintech Revolution

While financial technology (fintech) has the potential to make financial services more accessible and affordable, hope that technology alone can solve the complex issue of wealth inequality is misplaced. After all, fintech companies are still subject to the same market forces as traditional financial institutions, with little incentive to address contributing causes such as unequal access to credit and financial services, lower rates of return, and discrimination.

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Article, Volume 111, June 2023, Ndjuoh MehChu California Law Review Article, Volume 111, June 2023, Ndjuoh MehChu California Law Review

Policing as Assault

From ending qualified immunity, to establishing community control over policing, to eradicating the institution of policing altogether, proposals to remedy the issue of “police violence” are on everyone’s lips. But, in the deep reservoir of proposals, the meaning of “police violence” has received relatively little attention.

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