The web edition of the California Law Review.
CLR Online
Representation Matters, But at What Costs: A Look at the Proposal for Gender-Based Quotas for Elected Office
While women have been running for elected office in the United States since 1866, the growth in female representation has been incremental at best. Despite the fact that women represent over 50 percent of the United States’s population, women only make up 25 percent of Congress. Furthermore, women occupy less than 30 percent of state…
Now Is the Time to Repeal the Global Gag Rule, Once and for All
The United States, through its international development agency USAID, is the largest donor in international family planning in the world, with an annual programmatic budget exceeding $600 million. However, since 1984, USAID’s funding for essential reproductive and sexual health services has come with strings attached in the form of the Global Gag Rule. At its…