Alumni Features

David King ‘95 (Vol. 83)
That’s an easy one! I met my wife, Sarah Wilson ‘94 (Vol. 82 Notes & Comments Editor), on CLR. She was one year ahead of me, and she was the leader of my Notes and Comments seminar. A friend from my CLR class, Jennifer Rodgers (who is now a CNN commentator), set up our first…

David Zapolsky ‘88 (Vol. 76)
It definitely was one of the most fun parts and most intensive parts of being in law school. We were in offices that were not far from where you are now, but they were really in terrible condition – it was a dump. I just have tons of memories of the Executive Editors all in the same…

Chief Justice Kathryn Werdegar (Vol. 56)
As a first year student, you were elected, and in those days it was strictly grades. So the top 10% of the class was invited, and you were led to understand that it is an accolade, a credential that you should pursue and have. And then you were assigned to articles to edit as a new member…